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  • Writer's pictureErin Kim

_DES241_Weekly Blog no.4_ Changing plans.

Originally we had a decision to use the bird button from the Auckland Museum's Stories of Auckland Exhibition. We would design an augment bird (Tui) alongside the information of the myth and originality of the bird to add an educational aspect to the overall experience.

When we checked with the course coordinator, we realised that there were flaws that we overlooked such as user experience, the complexity of the project as well as overall criteria.

Thats why we had to look for another artifact and think of another that would work within the criteria.

The one that everyone clicked with is the artifact in Auckland Art Gallery of Bill Culbert's installation called the Spacific Plastic (2001) which is an elegant placement of plastic Tupperwares and fluorescent lights on the floor. We saw more potential and covered the criteria and augmented reality experience. The idea being that plastics are floating around the room with the colour of the water changing to represent the extreme consequences of plastic and ocean pollution. This reinforces the importance of sustainability and natural environment.

Luckily that was confirmed by the course coordinator and we immediate went straight to writing the background and rationale. We worked in the same peer as the original design rationale - with Wenlin. Since we already assigned each other what to write, we stuck with it without meeting in the middle before next studio on Monday.

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